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Writer's pictureMeghan O'Malley

The Magic of Living a Non-linear Life

At the end of January I took a week to unplug and had the great opportunity to do it in a magical place with surreal blue water, quiet and very few people. (I’m officially madly in love with the nature and people of Cat Island now!)

During each long walk I took on the the empty, pristine beach, mother nature gifted me more of these beautiful conchs than I could carry. It was as if they would call to me from the shore, raising their hands and saying “Heeeey! Here I am!” I try to listen when nature speaks, so I’d pick them up and carry them for a bit. . . and I asked myself why they were so adamant about getting my attention (because there were certainly other shells).

I think they were reminding me that I’ve chosen to rebel against the myth that life has to be linear (#spiralsinfulleffect). . . these shells remind me that I’ve chosen the “brutiful” magic of a non-linear life, one that honors cycles, seasons, intuitive switchbacks, sacred pauses and the power of landing in my center regularly when the world (inner or outer) feels swirly.

I love supporting clients in discovering the magic of a non-linear life.

I love seeing the awe in their eyes when they realize they can often open up the door to incredible possibilities by BEing more and DOing less.

And I especially love supporting folks in finding that safe place within so that they can rest into their softness + hear their own wisdom instead of exhausting themselves by trying so hard to be strong & “perfect” on the outside.

If you’re curious about living from that place of “holy both-and” that leads to deep fulfillment and practical magic, I’ve got TWO coaching spots available at the moment.

I’d love to support you in coming home to YOUR most expansive magic!

Isn’t it time?

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