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The Meraki



The Journey begins in Fall 2023!

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I see you. . . 

You've got passion, purpose and vision in your heart.

You know you're here to make your mark on the world, to share your heart, and to do your small (or large) part to make this world a better place.

Yet. . . 

Big visions can feel overwhelming.

Honoring your soul's calling can not only feel confusing, but also exhausting!

And there are times where you feel like it's too much, too big, too hard or too heavy.

The truth is that in THIS world, walking YOUR unique path can sometimes feel like a puzzle that is impossible to solve.

And it can feel like NO ONE else is doing it in a way that ACTUALLY feels good. 

Hustle is normalized, self-betrayal is taught as a currency for success, and the messages around suffering "just being part of the deal" can feel like undeniable truth.

And most "experts" are going to tell you to hustle harder, "fake it til you make it" and  to "follow this 17 step formula" to achieve success. . . 


The advice we most often receive about succeeding requires that we override our authentic inner wisdom instead of aligning with it. . . . and the soft voice of inner knowing gets overpowered by the voices of "experts."

The voices we hear in our heads, are most often shaped by our conditioning. . . meaning the stories created for ALL of us, by a very select FEW of us.


The "how to guides" we inherit are based on values that often don't support our true humanity, don't encourage authentic expression, and certainly don't teach us about collaborative, co-creative success. 

However. . . 

There IS a way to uncover and courageously honor who you really are and to decode what you really need in order to succeed in bringing YOUR unique magic to the world.

And contrary to what you've probably learned, it's not about another expert model.

Thank goodness!


It IS all about taking a deep dive inward to reclaim YOUR way of moving toward all that matters most, clarifying YOUR unique path of creative purpose, partnering with magic, and feeling wildly supported while you take this beautiful and messy adventure!

here's the foundation for this magical journey. . . 


. . . like REAL community, not another group of people lead by another "expert" pretending to have it all together, that makes you feel even worse, behind, or alone (insert exasperated eye roll here). Community is about authentic humaning to inspire you, to share hard-earned wisdom and to support you in actually getting out of your own damn way so that you can live more fully, freely, and successfully. True community helps you peel back the learned layers of "not youness" to be able to remember who you are so that you can share YOUR unique flavor of magic in the world! AND, when a community rooted in connection, love and care show up authentically and hold intentions and BIG visions TOGETHER, well. . . magic is inevitable!

Bottom line: big dreams often require more than two hands to hold them. 

We can learn about our unique design. . . AND THERE is A CUSTOM PLAYBOOK!

Human Design, often referred to as "the new astrology" is the most magically accurate guide I've found to uncover, illuminate and remember not only WHO we are beneath our inherited stories, beliefs and 'shoulds', but also HOW we most smoothly, efficiently and joyfully are designed to interact with the world. This powerful blueprint has the power to guide you home to your most natural state so that you can move toward the life, relationships, abundance and work in the world you most desire. . . in YOUR way (no more self-betrayal as necessary currency). And in a world that teaches us very early that being different is NOT safe, feeling safe to explore, affirm and embrace our uniqueness IN COMMUNITY can be a wildly empowering and life-changing experience.

AND. . . 

we benefit (greatly) from partnering with MAGIC!

. . . meaning unapologetic connection to intuition, the mystical, and using real tools to work with the energetics of transformation and the magic of the quantum field. Magic. Is. Real. . . and I believe it's the ally most folks are missing.​


If you’re feeling the call to take that leap, up-level your work in the world, your relationships or receive support in approaching everything that matters most without hustle, self-betrayal and the heaviness of "doing it all alone", THIS program will help you move toward your most magical visions. . . in a completely NEW, easier, more pleasurable, and authentically supported way!

What past Mystermind participants are saying. . . 

"I experienced a seismic shift in my whole being! I (re)discovered the ability to hear and trust my inner knowing. I found connections with women that are so clean, so clear, so healing, growth inspiring, and beautiful that it brings tears of gratitude to my eyes just to think of them. I learned to see myself through the eyes of others and RECEIVE the beauty, support, and gentle challenges they were offering me to be bigger, shinier, and more of myself in the world."

Are you ready?

Click the button below to submit your application.

Space is VERY limited in this high-intimacy, wildly magical container.

Ok, it sounds great, but what is it actually?


Community alchemy is central to the magic of this journey. You will gather with your fellow "Radical Magicians" for weekly calls via Zoom that will allow for co-inspiration, coaching, shared wisdom and other community-fueled growth. Most of these calls will be facilitated by me, however there will be times when I invite the circle to hold the space, as THIS is the only way to practice the new flavor of community leadership.


You'll have access to coursework that supports you in learning about your unique Human Design along with the radical magic group process so that you can integrate your new awareness and insights into life, relationships and work. Basically it's concrete support for your holistic "holy sh*t this gets to be my life?!" magical process.


In addition to the coursework, you'll have access to me via audio messages to for support in between group circles. You can ask about specific aspects of your unique Human Design blueprint so that you can go deeper into your personal exploration. This allows you to stay in the growthy flow without waiting for the next group!


Space is limited to support a high intimacy experience. This isn't just another group coaching program where you can get lost in the crowd. You will be SEEN and you will be able to really see and get to know others.

You will also be supported in connecting to others in the group in between calls via private chat like Whatsapp/ Voxer to share magical outcomes, celebrate wins, and process questions and insights along the way.


These sessions are a mix of somatic and intuitive coaching and guided journey work. They will help you gain clarity, integrate new insight into the body, and will allow intuition to connect subconscious wisdom with conscious awareness. These sessions are alchemical and POWERFUL in supporting you with bringing your mind, body and spirt into greater alignment. And alignment = magic!


I've been known to send fabulous snail mail goodies to group participants and LOVE hosting guests to bring in additional wisdom! Surprises are part of the magic!!



Sounds cool, but still not quite sure if it's that something you've been looking for? keep on reading. . . 

THE MERAKI MYSTERMIND is not for you if:

You're new to the growth game. (This is a DEEP dive, so it isn't recommended for newbies)

You aren’t ready to take radical responsibility for YOUR life by diving fully into the "brutiful" process of de-conditioning and un-learning in order to expand into magical possibilities. 

You're more invested in succeeding with the definitions of success you've been taught than courageously investing in creating a new normal on EVERY LEVEL – personal and collective. 

You don’t feel like there’s anything really wrong in the world, regarding issues of patriarchy and white supremacy culture . . . because the core values of those systems - competition, status, toxic independence, insatiability, scarcity etc. are how we learn to navigate life and define professional success. We don't play by those rules around here.

You're attached to the security of a "plan" and aren't willing to navigate the necessary unknown and courageous alchemy of discovering YOUR unique path, which is far more magical than someone else's "plan".

You aren’t willing to navigate vulnerability, support and openness in community as pathway to positive (and yes, magical) change. 


You are female identifying human called to do heart-centered work in the world.
*Note: While deconditioning is universal, this journey centers the lived experience of female identifying folks.

You are pondering or in the midst of some flavor of professional expansion, questioning or transition. OR you're just ready for the dance of work-life balance to feel easier and more pleasurable.

You're tired to trying to do everything alone when it comes to glowing up your purpose, business, self-care, bank account, relationships or leadership in the world. 

You’ve got a LOT of ideas floating around in your mind, but you haven’t figured out how to translate that insight and purpose into BIG passionate action. 

You can get overwhelmed when it comes to moving forward with the exciting and beautiful things that matter most to your heart – you're tired of feeling SO much passion and inspiration, yet still finding yourself stuck and maybe even scared. 

You know you've got to make a change, because the inner tickle has turned to an undeniable pull. You're called forth and yet you don't quite know what to do with it! 

You're ready to connect deeply to an INCREDIBLE group of humans who will love, inspire and support you in creating magic in your life.

I mean, if you're still reading this loooong info page, then this MUST be speaking to your soul!  


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“I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sensed it enough to get a hold of it and make it do things for us”

― Frances Hodgson Burnett 

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